
PEPs, sanctions and adverse media.

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You're covered. Everywhere, everyday.

Real-time scanning

Automate client screening against more than 1,100 real-time PEPs and Sanctions lists across the globe. 

Source by First AML provides peace of mind through:

  • Daily scans to highlight newly added individuals and entities 
  • Global lists covering multiple countries and jurisdictions
  • Expansive coverage that includes entities, individuals, family members and close associates
  • Name variation and alias cross matching

False positives

The First AML screening solution dramatically reduces false positives through a number of intelligent features:

  • lower threshold fuzzy matching algorithm
  • stricter search parameters
  • phonetic matching
  • regional specific lists

When hits are identified, false positives are automatically flagged as such, removing the time burden from the compliance team.

Exceptions to your inbox

Daily background monitoring serves up exception-based reports of new inclusions direct to your inbox, removing white noise while keeping you compliant.

Easy screening reports

Create clear audit trails while managing potential hits with sanctioned individuals. Easily add notes for flagged results and achieve an organised overview for seamless compliance management.

Always up-to-date information
Registry integrations ensure you are analysing using the latest ownership information when you inspect. No more outdated information.
Holistic visibility

Visual indicators give at-a-glance status. No more digging to see if your client or an entities UBOs are on watch lists.

Comprehensive audit trails

Capture complete record of requirements, sources, actions and approvals. Say goodbye to weak audit trails.

Onboard clients faster than ever before.

Do it once, do it right.

Let’s talk about your compliance process.