Specialist KYC for private credit and debt funds.

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Millions of clients are verified faster through 1000s of companies with First AML.


Complex Australian and international entities are our speciality.

Let's make it fast, secure, and compliant.

Active management meets risk mitigation.

As you actively manage investment portfolios and mitigate risk for clients, the First AML platform actively manages AML requirements and mitigates repetitional risk for you.

Onboarding complex entities

Remove difficulty and process time.

Complex entities are difficult. First AML specialises in providing accurate and fast KYB for complex entities.

  • International clients
  • Tax haven domiciled entities
  • Uncovering opaque UBOs
  • Family office complexity
  • SoW/SoF

Non standard KYC/B Customer onboarding

UBO exposure

Unwrap complex, international structures that hide UBOs, without compromising service or speed to revenue.

 First AML supports the identification of UBOs through a unique combination of:

  • Entity structure visualisations
  • Current and relevant international data sources
  • Optimised AML workflows and waterfall triggers
  • AI-driven biometric EIV

Source of Wealth / Source of Funds

Remove uncertainty and difficulty

You don't always need both SoW and SoF. But when you do, our solution obtains them, associates them to the case and stores them for your ease of retrieval. If SoW / SoF is from new wealth types, such as NFTs or crypto, we deal with that too. 

Onboard clients faster than ever before.