Mutual Banks, Building Societies and Credit Unions

Unburden yourself. Scalable KYC and KYB

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Solve your financial institution's toughest compliance challenges.

Let's make it fast, scalable, accurate and secure.

Millions of clients are verified faster through 1000s of companies with First AML.

Fractional Finance
Cavalry Ventures
Headline VC
Blackbird VC

Build resilience and purposeful growth.

Save time and cost, and protect your company's reputation with a centralised and accurate KYC/B information system.

Risk and reputation protection

Protect your institution with robust KYC/B results that support well informed decisions and help build a resilient ESG posture. First AML provides high quality and source-verified due diligence information that is rigorously cross-checked. 

  • At-a-glance to deep dive analysis.
  • Always available data.
  • Configure to meet unique needs such as PEP and sanctions auto updates.

Accelerate compliance processes

AML-specific workflows build compliance resiliency through:

  • less manual tasks
  • quicker processes
  • improved collaboration
  • greater transparency
  • secure data exchange
  • more consistent results.

Exception-based processes further streamline the compliance function by reducing ‘white noise’ and housing all information in one portal, for at-a-glance reviews.

KYC Publications for Financial Institutions

First AML has removed friction and materially decreased verification delays from our customer due diligence process.
Greg Starr MinterEllisonRuddWatts
With First AML the onboarding experience is effortless.
Belinda Sinopoli Certane
First AML offers outsized operational impact and we've never had a customer complaint.
Matt Gunn Icehouse Ventures

Do it once, do it right.

Let’s talk about your compliance process.